Press conference AEFAT-Murcia

by | Feb 20, 2013 | News

Press conference AEFAT-Murcia

Press conference AEFAT-Murcia

This time Fotomatiz was asked to shoot a press conference at the Novotel hotel in Murcia. The conference was given by the president of the AEFAT-Murcia association. AEFAT stands for “Asociación Española Familia Ataxia Telangiectasia” an association of Spanish families who have members diagnosed with Ataxia telangiectasia or A-T.

Ataxia telangiectasia is a primary immunodeficiency disease that affects a number of different organs in the body. An immunodeficiency disease is one that causes the immune system to break down, making the body susceptible to diseases. It is a rare, recessive genetic disorder of childhood that occurs in between 1 out of 40,000 and 1 out of 100,000 persons worldwide.

The association collects plastic buttons which they sell to recycle companies to fund investigation. They announced that they reached there first 300.000 ton milestone and where very pleased with the Murcian citizen participation in the process. Special thanks to the Novotel for letting the association use their conference room free of charge.

More information: (Spanish) Tapones para frenar la enfermedad Photograph by Fotomatiz


All photographs and text are copyrighted © Fotomatiz. No unauthorized use, copying, sale, or alteration is permitted.

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